Windy_grass - Geometry Node System
Instantly scatter and animate grass particles with endlessly customizable wind patterns and fine controls over the distribution, grass stiffness and movement speed. The particles will even interact with other objects through approximated collision. Start creating windy grass fields effortlessly with the windy_Grass geometry node system.
There's an extensive list of customization properties including: Particle Min Distance, Particle Max Density, Distribution Seed, Global Scale, Random Scale Factor, Random Rotation, Rotation Tangent Alignment, Wind Direction Angle, Wind Speed, Wind Strength, Wind Pattern Size, Wind Pattern Roughness, Wind Effects Randomness and Collision Effect Falloff. See the effect of these in the video below:
Subject to demand updates may happen. Current update plans:
geometry displacement for a more accurate effect
controlling wind effect with weight maps and automatically using the geometry z position
improving initial rotation property
This product is designed for and only compatible with Blender 3.0+. Models and textures in the images are only meant for illustration purposes and are not included
You'll get the geometry node tree to automate grass animation.